This post is the first in a series of collaborative posts written by Jessica Maissonet and Lucien Wyatt. In it, we compare and contrast our wildly varying perspectives on the very same game, movie, tv show, or whatever we can't stop arguing about that week. This week, we're addressing Destiny, and its evolution over the last three years.
Meet Lúcio, my new surrogate, Overwatch main, and your new best friend. Blizzard's newest title Overwatch, a first person, team-based shooter set in the not-so different future, is host to a pretty striking roster of characters. I say striking, because when compared with the usual nondescript grunt characters, faceless space marines, or interchangeable cannon fodder that litter every other FPS on market, this game has personality to burn.

What are InfernalPenguins?

InfernalPenguins are resilient beings who waddle through life with a sense of wonder and unshakable humor, despite their chthonic beginnings.

They are frequently found obsessively pouring through the latest in games, tv, film and culture with a glee only possessed by children and flightless birds. This is where they share their journey through this strange world.