The Last Of Us: One Night Only is an IRL thing, happening TONIGHT.

Though it may be quite some time before we see the rumored Arya Stark portray Ellie in the live screen adaptation of Naughty Dog’s classic The Last of Us, it doesn’t mean we can’t have the next best thing for those dying to see the post-apocalyptic drama played out in a live fashion. Enter The Last of Us: One Night Only, a special event happening tonight, on the eve of the release of The Last of Us: Remastered, Sony’s PS4 release of the most critically acclaimed game of last year.

Produced by Geoff Keighley, and with the blessing of the creators, the event will be a first if I’ve ever seen it: A live stage reading of select scenes from the game, acted out by the original voice actors. The display has been formally described as “a very special event” that they personally “don’t know how it will play out”. Which, in my opinon, is to say that it couldn’t possibly be anything less than stellar with so much talent in one place, at the same time, doing what they love before an appreciative audience.

Onboard for the reading are actors Troy Baker (Joel), Ashley Johnson (Ellie), Annie Werschling (Tess), and others under the direction of Neil Druckmann (writer/director of The Last of Us). Completing the circle of greatness involved will be live music composed by Gustavo Santaolalla, the composer of TLoU’s fantastic, ambient, and mood filled soundtrack.

TLOU actors
Though the free tickets are lsold out by now, there is still hope for those who cannot make the event, which is being held at the broad stage in Santa Monica, California. Internet faithful can also catch the once-in-a-lifetime event on Playstation’s Youtube Channel, Twitch, or the PS4’s built in Live Event Viewer.

Are you in?

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