PS4 System Update 1.70 goes live today. Here’s the skinny.

Because the announcement of online updates are at their most significant when every new console is still getting its bearings (releasing without media players and such), the PS4 has finally recieved its largest update since headset support was added in Februrary. For capture nuts (or anyone who surely must be now, the infernal button being impossible to ignore in search of ‘Select’..), I have some great news:

No, thank you!
No, thank you!

The console’s ability to broadcast gameplay using its much lauded share button recieved the bulk of the significant updates. Enable HDCP is finally an option in the Settings menu, finally allowing Twitch and Ustream streaming in 720p, along with effectively making every 3rd party capture device useful, it comes with a small caveat; streaming video enthusiasts will need to constantly switch it back on in order to enjoy their Hulu. Clips directly from the console can also be adjusted by length, and can even be exported to USB.

Of particular note in the “Why wasn’t this here before?” category is the Capture Gallery, eliminating the need to awkwardly chew through the Settings or Share menus to view or edit footage, and SHAREfactory, the tutorial for which is displayed above. Positioned as a Sony-themed hybrid of Adobe’s best editing software, SHAREfactory finally brings the PS4 up to, and some would argue, past the Xbox One’s Upload Studio in terms of an onboard editor.


Other notable inclusions: Voice commands for the camera to run apps made it in because the Kinect is still a fad, PayPal support was added the Playstation Store for the collective buying cards in a frenzy after PSNGate, and the ability to change the brightness on the DualShock light you keep forgetting (until it does something cool) is now an official thing as well. Batteries rejoice.

Full post on the PlayStation Blog here.

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